Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor"
Dear Virginia,
In response to your plea for more material for Transvestia I am enclosing a piece that, I hope, will be of interest to your readers.
The piece is the words from the song "Out of the Wardrobe," written by Ray Davies. I transcribed them from the album, Misfits (Arista AB4167), which was performed by the group called The Kinks. Ray Davies is considered a contemporary genius by know- ledgeable people in the rock music field for his powerful use of simple lyrics and his frequent and dynamic use of tempo changes.
I own most of the Kinks albums and bought Misfits without knowing that this song was on the album. You can imagine my surprise when I first heard it. We had some friends over that first night (they know that I'm a TV but have never seen me dressed). We were talking and not paying much attention to the music when the words "... when he puts on that dress he looks like a princess" came out of nowhere and grabbed my immediate attention. My chin hit the floor! I played that song over three times that night. Out of the hundreds of albums that I own that song has become known as my song within my tiny circle of friends who know that I dress up. I know of no better song that could serve as an anthem to our sorority and I propose it as "our song."
I recently saw an article in our local paper regarding Fredricks of Hollywood. Twice I have purchased feminine clothing for myself at the Frederick's store mentioned in the article.
The first time was just before Halloween 1977. I used the excuse that I wanted to buy a "costume." The saleslady was not only helpful but insisted that I try on a particular dress that had caught my fancy.